The Week 3 challenge is:
Use computer science to create something in honor of Poetry Month.
All of the challenges are purposely open ended -- use your creative genius to come up with an idea that matches with your interests and favorite things!
The only limit we suggest is to ensure the content is appropriate for other kids; as we’re hoping you will be willing to share your projects publicly with the Code Savvy and greater #MNCodes community via our Flipgrid and/or by sharing a link on our Google Form (more info below on how to share).
Beginner: Scratch
Take a look at the following video for some ideas on how to use Scratch with this week’s challenge: Use computer science to create something in honor of Poetry Month.
In this video, you’ll learn more about how to get started with:
Making your Scratch Sprite talk
Using this talking Sprite to recite poetry
Intermediate: Thunkable
Take a look at the following video for some ideas on how to use Thunkable with this week’s challenge: Use computer science to create something in honor of Poetry Month.
In this video, you’ll learn more about how to get started with:
Creating labels, text boxes, and buttons in Thunkable
Turning a poem into a Mad Lib using computer science
Take a look at the following video for some ideas on unplugged (no tech necessary) activities to try out to engage with this week’s challenge: Use computer science to create something in honor of Poetry Month.
In this video, you’ll learn more about how to get started with:
Using patterns and abstraction to write a poem
Working with a partner to create a funny poem
Using encryption to create a secret message in a poem
next week's challenge
Next week’s challenge will get us thinking about showing kindness in honor of Teacher & Nurse Appreciation Week! CS to Go with Code Savvy challenges will be shared via email, on the CS to Go Code Savvy website, and via social media on Monday evenings of each week. And be sure to subscribe to the Code Savvy YouTube Channel!
share your CS to Go projects!
How to Share: Our sharing options are LIVE! We invite CS to Go with Code Savvy participants to consider sharing your projects publicly with the Code Savvy and greater #MNCodes community via video with Flipgrid and/or a project link via our Google Form.
We can’t wait to see what you create! Please be sure to follow online safety guidelines and get adult permission before sharing. You can find our Privacy Policy here.