The Latest From Code Savvy - It's Almost Time...
We are getting close to our big event season at Code Savvy! Our MNCodes cohort and Technovation Girls Challenge programs will be wrapping up next month and that means it’s just about time to party!
Our 5th Annual Spark Scholarships will be opening up for applications on April 1st! These scholarships are available this year to any participant of any Code Savvy programs in any year (includes Technovation[MN], CoderDojo Twin Cities, and Rebecca Code Explorers). Applications close on April 30th and the winners will be announced at our Code Savvy Celebrate event on May 20th.
We will be hosting our MNCodes Virtual Summit for CS Education on Saturday, April 15th from 9am to 12:30pm. From how to use ChatGPT to create coding lessons, to a framework for teachers to integrate computer science into their classrooms, there will be incredible sessions available all morning!
On May 20th, we have TWO events… The day will start with Appapalooza from 9am to noon, where our Technovation teams will virtually pitch their app and AI projects to a panel of community judges.
That will be followed by Code Savvy Celebrate! Which is an afternoon of food, games, and prizes at De La Salle High School in Minneapolis from 2:30 to 5:30pm. This event is our time to celebrate ALL of our Code Savvy participants and their accomplishments this season.
We will have a playground for tech exploration (including DRONES!), food trucks, a DJ, awards, and FUN! We hope to see you all there!
This Week’s Spotlight and Project-Inspiration Theme: World Water Day
World Water Day is today, March 22nd, an annual celebration by the United Nations that focuses on the importance and need for water. The theme is Accelerating Change, highlighting the need to take action now to solve the water and sanitation crisis. The world committed to Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 in 2015, promising that everyone would have safely managed water and sanitation by 2030. As of right now, we are not on track to meet this. Every major global issue is affected by water, including hunger, gender equality, education, natural disasters, and more. Therefore, "We need to accelerate change – to go beyond business as usual’."
Check out the WWD website to learn more, find resources, and ways to act now! No matter how big or small, any change will make an impact. Use Project Everyone's to-do list to put a water and sanitation sticky note on something you care about.
To learn more about your water consumption, use this website to learn more about water conservation. Use the Water Footprint Calculator, the Water Footprint Food Calculator, and more resources/lesson plans! Remember, water affects us all, and we need to take action now!