Our newsletters highlight a variety of people, organizations, and resources that are doing work to broaden participation and expand equitable and engaging computer science and STEM opportunities. We are honored to work in this space along with so many talented and passionate individuals and want to help bring attention to their work.
This Week’s Spotlight: CSTA MN
The Computer Science Teachers' Association is a community of teachers, non-profits, industry partners, administrators, club leaders, and more. Its purpose is to create a strong environment to support K–12 computer science educators. The community:
Is led by K-12 computer science teachers, and puts teacher needs at the forefront
Shares the latest best practices in K-12 computer science education
Creates local communities across the US + Canada that make sure every computer science teacher has a home
Builds the largest teacher-led computer science professional development event in the world each year!
Provides access to exclusive discounts on courses and tools that will take educators teaching practice to the next level.
The Minnesota CSTA Chapter is taking the struggles of remote learning and turning them into an opportunity for educators to make new connections. Many of these questions are confronting our CS educators today.
Are you the only CS teacher in your school or in your district?
Do you primarily teach a different subject or grade level?
Would you like to integrate CS into other subjects?
Are you teaching AP CSA or CSP for the first time (or first time with remote learning) and don't know where to begin?
CSTA MN is here to provide the connection.
Since meetings this year will be over Zoom, connections with other educators from across the state for informal chats about a common topic, free PD sessions by trained professionals, workshops with master teachers and more are readily accessible! Best of all, educators can join the chapter for FREE! SIGN UP today to get in the loop! And check them out on Facebook and Twitter!
This Week's Project Inspiration Theme: Ada Lovelace Day
October 12th is Ada Lovelace Day!
Ada Lovelace was a English mathematician and was known as the “first computer programmer” because she wrote an algorithm for a computing machine. This is a day for celebrating women, advocates, and educators in STEM. The focus is to highlight women, especially in STEM, to create more role models who can therefore encourage more girls to go into STEM careers. Use this CS to Go tutorial which involves the idea of algorithms to create a scavenger hunt. Remember, this is just a suggestion; use your creative genius to create a personalized project!
We hope you create a CS project in honor of Ada Lovelace Day! If you do, please share it with us.
Share Your CS to Go Projects!
How to Share: We invite CS to Go with Code Savvy participants to consider sharing your projects publicly with the Code Savvy and greater #MNCodes community via video with Flipgrid. We can’t wait to see what you create! Please be sure to follow online safety guidelines and get adult permission before sharing. You can find our Privacy Policy here.