The Latest From Code Savvy - Scratch Education Collaborative
Code Savvy is incredibly honored to have been accepted into the 2022-2024 Scratch Education Collaborative.

This is the second cohort of the collaborative and it brings organizations together from across the world for a two-year program to discuss best practices and tactics for overcoming barriers their communities face in accessing computer science education - creating bonds and connections that will last for many years to come.
We are so excited to be a part of this project and we look forward to the friends we will make and the lessons we will be able to share with our Code Savvy community over the next two years… stay tuned!
This Week’s Spotlight and Project-Inspiration Theme: Plastic Free July and Scratch Animation

This entire month is Plastic Free July, a global movement that gets millions of people to join together in finding solutions to plastic pollution. Plastic waste is growing at an average rate of 9% every year, and the United States is the world’s top generator of this plastic waste. To learn more about the effects of plastic waste, check out this article.
Check out the Plastic Free Foundations website to learn more about how to get involved. They have resources for how to get started, easy things to do at home, and specific things you can do to help at work, school, in your community, and more! They also have information about different campaigns and events happening around the world.
If you are looking for a fun Scratch lesson to do this summer, check out this activity from CS First that teaches students to Animate a Name. Students will first learn the basics and then can choose different add-ons for their animations, such as changing the color, adding movement, drawing their own, and so much more! As a way to bring awareness to Plastic Free July, we challenge you to create an informative animated poster teaching people about the month-long event. Don’t forget to share your creations with us @CodeSavvyOrg on all platforms!