The Latest From Code Savvy
A Message and Incredible Gift from Jean Weiss
On Thursday, Nov 18th, you get a chance to support our new leadership and expanded programs, and celebrate the retirement of outgoing exec director Jean Weiss by having your donation matched 100% through the Jean Weiss Legacy Fund! Plus, every donation made throughout the day earns a chance to win a Golden Ticket, where Give MN adds up to $500 to your gift!
There has never been a more important time to ensure that quality computer science education is accessible to ALL MN youth. Please help us reach that goal with your donation on Give MN Day this Thursday!
This Week’s Spotlight and Project-Inspiration Theme: Give to the Max Day

This week’s focus is Give to the Max Day!
November 18th (TOMORROW) is Give to the Max Day and this week’s theme! Give to the max is an annual fundraiser across Minnesota that helps support thousands of nonprofits and schools statewide. The early giving started on November 1st, but the official GTMD giving holiday happens on November 18th.
In our communities, nonprofits and schools are often full of heroes. These are the people who provide services and help to us everyday, making our lives better and safer. This Give to the Max Day, think of someone in YOUR community that is a real-life superhero. Then follow this tutorial from Google to code their real-life hero story in Scratch!