The Latest From Code Savvy

The Code Savvy Board of Directors is excited to announce that we are looking for our next Executive Director to expand our work of creating opportunities for hands-on, equitable computer science learning experiences that inspire all learners to transform the future for good.
We are expanding our work by shifting from a mostly volunteer-led organization to one with a paid executive director and supporting staff. We want to further our goal of reaching even more youth by continuing to inspire and provide resources to teachers and youth across all of Minnesota.
If you, or someone you know, has nonprofit leadership experience, a passion for promoting equitable education and increasing access for underrepresented students in the computer science field - we want to hear from you!
Additionally, Code Savvy is looking for Part Time Computer Science Curriculum Developers to support our school partnerships through the development of project-based curriculum! Join us to engage and inspire students through creative computing!
Click the button below to learn about all opportunities currently available with Code Savvy!
This Week’s Spotlight and Project-Inspiration Theme: PRIDE in STEM!
This week’s focus is PRIDE in STEM
June is PRIDE month! This month we want to dedicate time to celebrating those in the LGBTQ+ community, and honoring history and contributions. Read on to find some great resources to celebrate PRIDE in STEM!

There are many organizations dedicated to celebrating contributions of the LGBTQ+ community to STEM, as well as encouraging involvement in STEM fields. Pride in STEM (www.prideinstem.org) hosts many event and resources, including LGBTQ+ STEM day which typically takes place in the fall. Pride in STEM aims to raise awareness of LGBTQ+ members in STEM fields, as well as to highlight the struggles they can face. Other organizations including LGBTQ+ STEM or LGBT+ Physics also work to spread awareness and share stories of LGBTQ+ community members pursuing STEM work.
The Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA) includes a group called “CSTA Pride Group” which has shared many useful resources as well, including:
Anyone can be a STEM enthusiast, and it is important to continue to work to intentionally help everyone feel included and celebrated within STEM fields!
What can you create this month to help celebrate and spread awareness of the LGBTQ+ community in STEM? Whatever you choose to make, be sure to share it!
Share Your CS to Go Projects!
How to Share: We invite CS to Go with Code Savvy participants to consider sharing your projects publicly with the Code Savvy and greater #MNCodes community via video with Flipgrid. We can’t wait to see what you create! Please be sure to follow online safety guidelines and get adult permission before sharing. You can find our Privacy Policy here.