Knowing how to code, collaborate, and problem solve with computers are becoming vital skills—not only in business, but in art, media, academia, community organizing, and personal enrichment. These skills are relevant not only for college and career, but also for developing students’ social-emotional awareness, well-being, and ability to participate in and contribute to an increasingly digital society.
Yet, Computer Science (CS) education is not equitably accessible in Minnesota's schools, and female-identifying students, low income students, and students of color are particularly underserved. Of the 1,480 Minnesota students who took the AP Computer Science exam in 2017-18, only 21% of students were female, 26% were eligible for free or reduced lunch programs, and 8% were students of color (AP College Board Program Participation Data, 2018).
For almost a decade, Code Savvy has been a leader in interrupting and counteracting racial and gender gaps in computer learning and access for young people. We’ve done that by coaching and supporting educators, and by creating accessible programs that help kids pursue their own passions, dreams, and careers.